

Grow with Art Meeting - Communiqué - St Laurent Library Exhibition - Luna Sole Exhibition - Members Announcements - Workshop: Color Confidence with Andrea Warren - AOE Announcements

1. Grow with Art Meeting

Tuesday, June 23, Room 340, 255 Centrum Blvd.

7:00 Meet and Greet with light refreshments
Annual Critique night begins at 7:30, with Anne Remmer Thompson,
Anne is a well known watercolour artist and teacher

Anne Remmer Thompson, is a watercolour and acrylic painter.  Her style could be called stylized realism, but she embraces abstraction as well. In 1999 she was elected as a permanent member of the prestigious Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour (C.S.P.W.C.), and is Past Regional Director for Ottawa and Eastern Ontario.

Please bring one or two art works for which you would like some helpful advice (they should be unfinished, unframed and unsigned). If you wish to bring your work on a usb stick let Mary Ann Know before the meeting. varleymaryann1@bell.net

Mardi, le 23 juin-19h “Meet and Greet” avec “refreshments”
Soirée annuelle de ”La Critique”
Conférenceière: Anne Remmer Thompson, artiste-peintre, et enseignante

2. Communiqué

Arteast's hard-copy, quarterly newsletter—Communiqué—is popular with our members, but did you know that it is also available on our Web site at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php? A notification when a new issue is released is communicated via the weekly Arteast Digest. Posting of the Web version may be viewed in full dazzling colour, at least two weeks before the print version (black and white) is delivered by Canada Post. With rising postal costs, some members have requested that they be removed from the mailing list for the printed copy. Other advantages of going with the online Communiqué are:
- reduces printing and envelope costs;
- makes Arteast more "green";
- no more hunting for misplaced issues (Arteast's Web site has the current and all back issues).
Printed copies will be available at our monthly Grow With Art meetings and the Promenade Arteast gallery at the Shenkman Arts Centre. If you prefer to read the newsletter online, please e-mail us at editor@arteastottawa.com to have your name removed from the newsletter mailing list.

La copie imprimée du trimestriel d’Arteast – Communiqué – est populaire auprès de ses membres, mais saviez-vous qu’il est aussi disponible sur le site Web http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php ? Lors de sa publication, une notice paraît dans l’hebdomadaire Arteast Digest. Sur le Web il peut être lu et vu en couleurs deux semaines avant la version imprimée ( noir et blanc) postée par Poste Canada. Compte tenu du coût postal croissant plusieurs membres ont enlevé leur nom pour l’envoi postal - vers le Web. Il y a d’ailleurs d’autres avantages du Communiqué en ligne tels que :
- réduire les coûts de l’imprimé et de l’enveloppe;
- Arteast plus ‘vert’;
- ne plus être à la recherche du numéro manquant (le Web d’Arteast conserve le numéro courant et les anciens numéros).
Des copies imprimées seront disponibles à la réunion mensuelle L’Art en herbe et à la galerie Promenade Arteast au Centre Shenkman. Si vous préférez lire le Communiqué en ligne, s.v.p. contactez : editor@arteastottawa.com afin d’enlever votre nom de la liste d’envoi postal.

3. St Laurent Library Exhibition

St-Laurent Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of watercolours by Bernard Poirier. This solo show is titled ‘The Perspective of Nature” and runs from June 26th to October 2nd, 2015.

Bernard Emile Poirier, fondly known as BEP, has always had an interest in drawing. Pencil and watercolours became his main medium. His work is influenced by the love of nature, concentrating on mountains, watersheds and trees with a technique using colours and composition to enhance dimensional perspective.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support artists in their local community as well as the St-Laurent Library.

Location: St-Laurent branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 505 Côté Street, Ottawa K1K 0Z8
Hours: Monday to Thursday: 10 - 8:30, Friday: 1:00 - 6:00, Saturday: 10:00- 5:00, Sunday: closed.

4. Luna Sole Exhibition

Linda Dyson, at an early age, gained a lasting appreciation and love of art from an artist in her northern British Columbia hometown. While life intervened as she moved to other Canadian cities and travelled in Europe and North America, it was a visit to Paris that stimulated her into returning to painting. She is presently working in acrylics and mixed media “a medium that inspires me because of its texture, bright colours, and diversity.” She is no stranger to group exhibitions throughout the Ottawa area and most recently was in the 2015 Orleans Art Studio Tour.
She is currently showing at Luna Sole until July 28. Luna Sole is in the mall at Jeanne d’Arc and Youville Drive and is open throughout the day and evening.

5. Members Announcements

Alsford-Phillips Art Studio Open House

Lynne Alsford and Mike Phillips invite fellow members of Arteast to their 4th annual studio open house on Sunday, 28 June from noon until 4:00 p.m. Come see our paintings, junk-art sculpture, traditional and digitally manipulated photographs, as well as hear about our adventures in building the studio and meet "Stumpy".

The studio is at 914 Lawnsberry Drive in the Chatelaine Village area of Orleans, which is bounded by Highway 174, Champlain and 10th Line.

For further information, call 613-830-1829 or e-mail alsford-phillips@hotmail.com.

6. Workshop: Color Confidence with Andrea Warren

June 27 - 28, 2015, 11:00-3:00
DeSerres, St Laurent, 1200 St Laurent Blvd

Tired of mixing blue and red and getting mud? Got you covered.
Colors are like people. They each have their own personalities, their own families, and their own unique characteristics - and when you put them together they have different relationships and produce different outcomes. Through a series of fun, experimental exercises, learn all about the different kinds of pigments, get a solid handle on color mixing, discover how to make luminous colors through glazing, and much more.
Come, play, learn, and become color confident!  All materials included.

Cost: $125

To register:

7. AOE Announcements

Please follow the following links:

Opportunities For Members 

