

Grow with Art/L'art en herbe

Grow with Art/L’art en herbe

A presentation by Pamela Cockcroft-Laserre/
et présentation Pamela Cockcroft-Laserre

Working with the Figure/Lart de la figure


on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Meet and Greet at 7:00, Presentation follows /auront lieu
Le mardi, le 24 février 2015, rencontre à 19 h; et à 19 : 30; présentation suivant

at our regular location, 255 Centrum Blvd.  Room 340, Orléans à local au 255, boul. Centrum, pièce 340, Orléans (ON)
Pamela grew up in Namibia and South Africa, studied to be a teacher (Cape Town Training College), travelled extensively in Europe then returned to London to study Fine Art.
She achieved a London Certificate of Art and Design (Credit Distinction), Byam Shaw School of Drawing and Painting (St Martin's Central, University of the Arts London).

After graduating was an Art Critic for the Cape Times, Pamela taught European Art History at the Ruth Prowse School of Art and worked as an assistant custodian for the South African Association of Arts Gallery in Cape Town. After coming to Canada she has taught children at various school, served on several juries, and has been teaching Drawing and Painting at the Ottawa School of Art since 1986. Exhibits regularly in various group shows and has had individual shows in South Africa, Ottawa and the National Capital Region in Quebec.

Pamela Was invited to give demonstrations, a talk and a workshop at the National Gallery and was a NG Studio Tour's Featured Artist.

Studio practice includes Drawing and Painting with the figure as dominant factor, integrated into a variety of contexts or themes including a centaur series, collaboration with a pianist to create twelve works for Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition", Tango, and currently working on a carousel theme.

Represented by Orange Gallery.


Digest: Arteast Exhibitions - Members Announcements - AOE Announcements

1. Arteast Exhibitions


Works of Winter, oil paintings by Linda Bordage, is the new exhibition at Luna Sole. Ranging from kite skiing on a frozen river to the solitary silence of a snow-laden forest, the paintings reflect the artist’s interpretation of winter. The exhibition continues to March 31.

Luna Sole restaurant is located in the mall at Youville Drive and Jeanne D’Arc Boulevard

2. Members Announcements


le 13 mars au 1 avril, 2015  / March 13 to April 1, 2015  

(Huiles et acryliques / oil and acrylic)

Vernissage: Dimanche le 15 mars de 13 h  à 16 h / Sunday March 15, 1 pm to 4 pm, 2015

Galerie Old Chelsea, 783 Route 105 @ Les Fougères, Old Chelsea (Québec)
Pendant l’hiver: ouvert de 11 h 00 à 17 h 00 mercredi à dimanche
Winter hours in effect: Open 11 am to 5 pm Wednesday to Sunday

Aline Joanis   Tel: 613-834-0669        www. Artbo.net     alinejoanis@gmail.com

3. AOE Announcements

Invitation to Art Place Showcase Night on Feb. 25, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Élisabeth Bruyère Hospital/ Invitation à la Soirée Vitrine Place d'art le 25 février, 18h30 à 21h30, Hôpital Élisabeth-Bruyère

For more information and to reserve a ticket please go to : http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/art-place-dart-showcase-night-soiree-vitrine-tickets-15620623706


Arteast Digest: Arteast Exhibitions - AOE Announcements - Walk the Arts

1. Arteast Exhibitions

What: “Midwinter Colours” Art Exhibition
When: The show runs from Jan. 19th to Mar. 16th 2015
Where: François Dupuis Recreation Centre, 2263 Portobello Boulevard, Ottawa, ON
Fee: Free admission

Quoi: Exposition: Couleurs au coeur de l’hiver
Quand: L’exposition est en cours du 19 janv. Au 16 mars
Où: Centre récréatif François Dupuis, 2263 Boul. Portobello, Ottawa, Ont.
Frais: Admission libre

Information: Maryse Hatchard 613-590-9186

The show mixes the highlights of winter with memories of warmer times. Midwinter colours and textures appear in a series of rural landscapes from Janis Fulton. Cathy Owen brings watercolour images that have that soft brilliance only watercolours can create where the horizons draw the eye. Corinne Feasey presents a wide variety of pieces that cover the complete spectrum of colours. All these artists’ pieces will brighten your winter! Come into the warm and see their visions.

L’exposition est un mélange de paysages d’hiver et ceux de la saison plus chaude. Janis Fulton présente des paysages aux couleurs de l’hiver. Cathy Owen ajoute de brillantes aquarelles. Corinne Feasey présente des tableaux aux couleurs variées. Toutes ces pièces artistiques apportent de la lumière en cet hiver. Venez les voir bien au chaud.

2. AOE Announcements

Please go to the following links:

3. Walk the Arts
Hello all artists and art lovers,
Join us for Studio Italia 2015 (Oct. 1- 11) "a thought provoking and inspirational" art workshop open to artists of all levels and all media. Ten full days of plein airpainting, art history/theory, touring, discussions and gourmet cuisine/wine in the most beautiful area of Tuscany. Register now!
For more details, please download our prospectus at:  http://www.walkthearts.com/PDF/Prospectus%20Studio_Italia_2015_EN.pdf

Bonjour aux artistes et aux amoureux de l’art,
Un rendez-vous Studio Italia 2015, ensembles du 1  au 11 octobre, pour une expérience unique en son genre ! Dix jours de peinture, d’histoire et de théorie de l ‘art, de discussions passionnées et de la bonne cuisine en plein cœur de l’envoutante Toscane! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.
Pour de plus amples détails, veuillez S.V.P. télécharger le prospectus au:http://www.walkthearts.com/PDF/Prospectus_Studio_Italia_2015_FR.pdf

Finally, for any further details and to register, please contact us at/
Finalement, pour toute autre information ou pour vous inscrire, veuillez s.v.p. nous contacter:


Arteast Digest: Arteast Open studio - Arteast Exhibitions - Members Announcements - AOE Announcements - Art Conference - Call for Artists

1. Arteast Open studio / Studio Libre –St. Laurent Complex -URGENT

Arteast Open Studio has been cancelled for this Thursday February 12th. Unfortunately, due to a circumstances beyond our control .

Here are the next dates for ‘Arteast open studio’: Thursday, February 26th, Thursday March 12th and March 26th.
Please pre-register for the next open studio. We need 6 members per session for the studio to run.
The registration form is available on the Arteast website http://www.arteastottawa.com.
Please confirm with  one of the following  Arteast volunteers:
Corinne Feasey : c_feasey@hotmail.com
Dorothy Zorn: dzorn1624@rogers.com
Josie De Meo : josiedemeo@bell.net or tel 613-590-7627

Veuillez prendre note: Arteast studio libre’ est annulé pour ce Jeudi 12 février, à cause de circonstance imprévue.

Par contre, ‘Arteast studio libre’ aura lieu  les dates suivantes: Jeudi le 26 février, jeudi le 12 mars et jeudi le 26 mars.
Veuillez vous inscrire au moins une semaine avant les dates de ‘studio libre’– un minimum de 6 participant(e)s est requis pour chaque ‘Studio Libre’.
Le formulaire d’inscription est ci-joint.
Veuillez confirmer votre présence au studio par courriel auprès d’une de nos bénévoles suivantes:
Corinne Feasey : c_feasey@hotmail.com
Dorothy Zorn: dzorn1624@rogers.com
Josie De Meo : josiedemeo@bell.net or tel 613-590-7627

2. Arteast Exhibitions

Celebrating its 25th year with this latest juried show Arteast invites the public to the opening of “Mosaic”. The reception takes place on Sunday, February 15th 2015, from 1-3 p.m. in the Trinity Gallery on the Ground Floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd. in Orleans.

Three Juror’s Choice Awards will be presented. These awards are sponsored by Wallack’s Art Supplies, Avalon Centre, 2012 Tenth Line Road, Unit 2, Orleans On 613 830 2400.

Please come celebrate this special Silver Anniversary with us.

Célébrant son 25e anniversaire avec une exposition avec jury, Arteast invite le public au vernissage ‘Mosaïque’. La réception aura lieu le dimanche 15 février 2015 de 13 à 15h à la Galerie Trinity , Niveau 1 du Centre des Arts Shenkman, 245 boul. Centrum à Orléans.

Trois mentions spéciales seront sélectionnées par le jury. Ces mentions sont commanditées par Wallack’s Art Supplies, Avalon Centre, 2012 Tenth Line Road, Unit 2, Orleans On 613 830 2400.

Venez célébrer notre anniversaire d’argent.

3. Members Announcements

The Out of the Box Fibre Artists have a display on the main level of the Shenkman Arts Centre, on until March 1st. The display showcases a wonderful sampling of the innovative works created by this group of fibre artists. Anne Warburton, Arteast member, has included some of her art. The display also features some of the works created for an exhibition last fall based on the year 1914. And please be sure to sign our guest book after your visit.

 Visit Anne's websitewww.needleartsonpaper.com

Anne, Janis Fulton, Doreen Hardiman, and Kerstin Peters are also part of the
Navan Fine Arts Exhibition & Sale - April 25-26, 2015 - 10 am - 4 pm, Navan Curling Club

Virginia Dupuis  –  “Ripe with Colour”
From February 11th to  March 18th  the public is invited to the show “Ripe with Colour”.
Oil paintings look at berries “ripe with colour” of  various hues as the berries move through their growth cycle.

Virginia Dupuis gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.
Vernissage: February 15th  from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.
AOE Gallery, an initiative of AOE Arts Council, Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Boulevard,
2nd Floor  Ottawa, Ontario.
Hours:  Monday to Friday  From 9 a.m. to  4:30 p.m.

4. AOE Announcements

Invitation to Art Place Showcase Night on Feb. 25, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Élisabeth Bruyère Hospital/ Invitation à la Soirée Vitrine Place d'art le 25 février, 18h30 à 21h30, Hôpital Élisabeth-Bruyère

For more information and to reserve a ticket please go to : http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/art-place-dart-showcase-night-soiree-vitrine-tickets-15620623706

5. Art Conference

Carp Agricultural Hall
Sat. April 11, 2015
Five speakers, lunch included. Seating is limited.
Jesse Stewart - Interdisciplinary Art Practice
Franc van Oort - Inspirations and Demo
Shawna Tregunna - Relevant Social Media for an Artist
Barbara Gamble - Interdependent Aspects of an Art Career
John-Philippe Smith - Heritage stone cutter and conservator
REGISTRATION OPENS JANUARY 9th, seating is limited. $50.00 until Feb 15th, $70.00 after.

6. Call for Artists

The Orchid Show will be on April 18 and 19 and we will be back at the Nepean Sportsplex. The charge is $10 per entry and a maximum of three entries per artist. The challenge this year is “In the style of Matisse.” For a map to the show and more information about us, see www.ottawaorchidsociety.com
or contact:
Anna Bilsky

“ Symposium en Couleurs” has put out a call for art. One of our members, Danielle Caron, is on the organization committee.

Symposium en Couleurs” invite les artistes de l’Outaouais et d’ailleurs à se joindre à sa 8e édition les 6, 7 et 8 novembre 2015.

Lieu : Maison du Citoyen, 25, rue Laurier, secteur Hull, Gatineau, QC

Veuillez présenter votre demande avant le 15 avril 2015.

Pour plus d’informations communiquez avec

Monique Rouleau 819-568-3406 - monika_rouleau@sympatico.ca
ou avec
Danielle Caron 819-685-9393 - daniellecaron@outlook.com

Pour le formulaire d’inscription et autres informations visitez notre site internet: http://symposiumgatineauencouleurs.ca


Arteast Digest: Arteast Announcements - AOE Announcements

1. Arteast Announcements

Hello everyone,
We have created a video with pictures of the past 25 years of our artistic adventure. Enjoy! Please follow the link:http://youtu.be/uNBWzJ1LHgk

Please find following the information about our guest speaker David W. Jones. Due to the large number of attendees at the AGM he ran out of copies. 

David offers a Summer Landscape Painting Course from June 16 to July 21, 2015 every Tuesday from 10:30am to 4:30pm. For further information please call Caroline Akeson (O.C.D. School Board) at 613 239-2309.

2. AOE Announcements

Please participate in the AOE Arts Council Community Survey
Veuillez SVP participer au
sondage du Conseil des Arts AOE


Digest: Arteast Announcements - Arteast Exhibits - Members' Announcements - AOE Annnouncements

1. Arteast Announcements

Hello everyone,
Arteast was interviewed by Rogers TV 23 “Entre Nous” yesterday January 15th,
Carmen Dufault and Josie De Meo were asked about Arteast Ottawa’s 25th and Mosaic`s exhibition.
We invite you to follow the link:

We want to thank Rogers and Entre Nous host Barbara Laurenstin, for this opportunity to promote our organisation and our artists members.

2. Arteast Exhibitions

2.1. Blackburn Hamlet Library

Blackburn Hamlet Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of paintings
by ARLETTE FRANCIÈRE. This solo show is titled SKYSCAPE BLUES and runs from Jan 31 to Apr 4th.

Arlette has always been attracted to landscape painting, although topography is not a main concern.
Impelled by an inner compulsion, Arlette lets strong colours, bold shapes and rhythms guide her.

In the process, her paintings become inner landscapes that express states of mind and emotion, instead of reproducing an external landscape. Skies feature prominently in her landscapes; she tries to capture the cosmic vastness through which our planet Earth spins us.

For this exhibition, she has selected skies, whose rhythms and varied shades of blue evoke very distinct moods.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support artists in their local community as well as the Blackburn Hamlet Library.

Location: Blackburn Hamlet branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 199 Glenpark, Ottawa K1B 5B8

Hours: Monday to Thursday: 10 - 8:30, Friday: 1:00 - 6:00, Saturday: 10:00- 5:00, Sunday: closed.

2.2 Winter Mix Show at St. Laurent Complex

Please see the attached invitation.

3. Members Announcements

Kerstin Peters is teaching the following art session at Bob MacQuarrie-Orléans (613-824-0819)

Painting like Famous Artists (for kids 8 - 12 years) -  course code 934640, $ 60:

Create a painting using the techniques of famous artists.

Sun., 1-2:30 pm, Febr. 8, 2015 – Mar. 8, 2015, no class Febr. 15.

For more information please contact her at (613) 316-1543 or go to her website at www.KerstinPeters.ca.

4 AOE Announcements

ATTENTION MEMBERS: Please do not send registrations for exhibitions or other events to this email which is only used for information for the digest.  The emails will not be checked on a daily basis.  Therefore, please make sure that you send any announcements at least two weeks in advance so that they can be approved by the president in time. Thank you. 

Have a wonderful painting week.

Arteast Digest coordinator

Digest: Arteast Announcements - Members' Announcements - Art Workshops

1. Arteast Announcements

Arteast Ottawa 25th Annual General Meeting/L'Assemblée générale annuelle

Tuesday January 27, - le 27 janvier, 7:00 "AGM" à 19h
Presentation follows / Présentation à suivant
255 Centrum Blvd. Room/Salle 340
"A Painter's Life"/ "La vie d'un peintre"
with / avec David W. Jones

David W. Jones est un peintre canadien du paysage. Depuis 35 ans, il participe à des expositions au Canada, Japon, Italie et États-Unis. On retrouve de ses oeuvres dans diverses collections : collection d'Art national sur la guerre, Ville d'Ottawa, Brian Mulroney, Département des pêcheries et océans, Benny Goodman un grand du jazz. Ami personnel de certaines légendes du jazz, Jones a créé des oeuvres utilisées dans la biographie d'Artie Shaw, CD et LP.

David W. Jones est un peintre canadien du paysage. Depuis 35 ans, il participe à des expositions au Canada, Japon, Italie et États-Unis. On retrouve de ses oeuvres dans diverses collections : collection d'Art national sur la guerre, Ville d'Ottawa, Brian Mulroney, Département des pêcheries et océans, Benny Goodman un grand du jazz. Ami personnel de certaines légendes du jazz, Jones a créé des oeuvres utilisées dans la biographie d'Artie Shaw, CD et LP.

 2. Members Announcements
Congratulations to Virginia Dupuis who has recently been accepted as a member of the Kanata Civic Art Gallery. She will be one of four new artists featured in the 2015 New Artists - “Fresh Faces” Exhibition from February 4th to February 28th.

You are invited to the New Artists’ Reception Feb.7th from 1 to 3 p.m.
Kanata Civic Art Gallery in the John Mlacak Centre
2500 Campeau Drive, Kanata, Ontario, Canada, K2K 2W3.

Jessie Parker has a solo show titled “Journey” at Moksha Yoga Orleans, 2442 St Joseph Blvd. The show runs till mid April and is open most days all day. The public is welcome to visit.

The show features 14 photo based works including 9 edition prints in pigmented dyes on canvas and paper, and 5 mixed media using photo elements and acrylics. All involve metaphorical journeys in her life. The interpretation will vary with the viewer’s own personal history.

Kerstin Peters offers a new workshop series "Creativity & Me": During the first workshop, we will be creating a personal Valentine's Card for your sweetheart while enjoying some coffee/tea and goodies. To register or for more information please contact Kerstin at kpeters@DomingoInformatics.ca.

Where: 1270 Kinsella Drive, Cumberland, ON, K4C 1A9
When: Saturday, January 31, 2015 from 1pm to 4pm

Participation is limited to 12 people. There is a $10 fee. 

3. Art Workshops

David Kearn is hosting a set of art workshops at the Rothwell United Church. He would be delighted to welcome some Arteasters.

In 6 workshops, we cover key painting subjects and walk with some incredible Canadian painters. These workshops appeal to a wide range of skill levels: from relative beginners to practiced artists wanting to pursue a new style. Together we will dispel myths and develop sound practices, creativity and expression!

Saturday 07 Feb: A.Y. Jackson - A life of painting the Canadian seasons
Saturday 14 Feb: Skies and Seas - Evoking emotion and wonder
Saturday 21 Feb: Emily Carr - Spirit of the Pacific
Saturday 07 Mar: People and people places – Figures in the real world
Saturday 14 Mar: Alex Colville – Supposing an improbable reality
Saturday 21 Mar: Rocks and trees – Oriental and contemporary
Additional information is on the website: http://davidkearn.com/courses_e.htm.

Reserve by email to france@davidkearn.com
or via Paypal: http://davidkearn.com/courses_e_paypal.htm
tel: 613 620 6737

ATTENTION MEMBERS: Please do not send registrations for exhibitions or other events to this email which is only used for information for the digest.  The emails will not be checked on a daily basis.  Therefore, please make sure that you send any announcements at least two weeks in advance so that they can be approved by the president in time. Thank you. 

Have a wonderful painting week.

Arteast Digest coordinator